The independent music label blocSonic needed updated branding and a new mobile first site designed and developed from the ground up, to deliver a completely unique user experience. We were glad to help.
We began the project by analyzing the data that would be required and architecting the data structures needed to efficiently deliver the content to the user… both the public guest user and administrator.
We then looked at the many ways in which the user experience could be handled without making the site too difficult to browse.
We knew we needed to incorporate a site-wide audio player that could play individual songs, albums and other types of playlists, so we needed to plan it just right.
The site we finally delivered includes many new features that the previous site didn’t… the music player, a charting system with public views to display those charts & a completely custom administrative dashboard that makes managing the site content ridiculously easy. To the user, all the bells & whistles just work, but this complex project was challenging and proved to be a great experience.